Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Today I finally went down to the hospital and allowed them to draw blood to tell me what's going on with my extremely high blood sugar that I've been having a hard time getting under control. These last few days I feel like I'm going nuts. I've had to periods in one month, I vision is back and forth between being good with glasses and blurry with glasses, I've been snippy, moody, crying for no reason, and having a hard time dragging myself outta bed in the mornings. It's been horrible. I need to figure out what's going on with me.

I finally got into touch with the church I'd like to go to. I figured out what time they start and I'm actually excited about going with Rayven on Sunday. They are so welcoming and open it seems like it's going to be GREAT! I even asked about a bible study class and they have one for beginners and I'm going to find out which nights it's held on Sunday! Rayven will be their youngest member if we decide to stay. I just can wait! They are also understanding of my loss of faith in Jesus, and are will to help me on my "journey". Like I said I'm excited!

I looked up info about schools for me and babysitter/day cares for Rayven. I think I found a program for what I'm looking for! I was also told I could probably find a grant to help me pay for all or most of my schooling. It's a 2 years or 1 year program in early childhood education. The 2 year program is of course better and allows for a wider variety of careers. From Nanny to teachers aide to helping children with special needs. I love working with kids! I could even teach headstart! How exciting would that be? :)

I took Micheal to get his car insurance today, $100 down and $99 a month. He pays $250 for rent, and over $100 for phone and works a full-time and part-time job. It crazy watching him grow up, he's doing everything himself. He buying a car from his gf's father for a few thousand dollars, he has to do everything for himself, I had so much help when I was his age. I was paying $130 pre month and then $200 and then $400, and my first car was $300 and given to me from my now mother-in-law. Things have always been easier for me, I'v been truly blessed by the people in my life. Sara is learning how to drive, she's not bad, although in my truck she gives me whip lash ;) Not her fault my truck is tempermental sometimes. My husband says she fine as well. IT's really great to watch these two grow up, they've changed so much, and when Sara and I aren't living in the same house we get along GREAT! ;) We're both stubborn mules and 2 under the same roof gets dangerous. She's inlove with my daughter, she's a great auntie! When I was in the hospital wait to give birth to Rayven Sara actually slept on the floor by my feet waiting for her to get here. And she never left my side. and my mom was to my right after being up for almost 24 hours she also never left myside. Things have changed so much since the years when I was not allowed to talked to my family. I feel and know I am truly blessed!

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